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Téma: Mäkká brzdová páčka

20.12.2019   23:01 Can-Am Outlander 570 DPS PRO

TheSalon112 TheSalon112 Město: Lefantovce
Offline 16/142

Dobrý deň

Všimol som si, že mi jaksi "zmäkla" brzdová páčka.
Či sa aj reálne znížil brzdný účinok testovať nechcem. Keďže kolka bola cirka pred pol rokom v servise (veľa toho nenajazdim) predpokladám, že platničky sú v poriadku. Je možné, že sú brzdy zavzdušnené? A ako sa odvzdusnuju predné brzdy ?

Ďakujem za Váš čas

Odpovědi: Mäkká brzdová páčka

21.12.2019   15:52   #1 Téma: Mäkká brzdová páčka

aldak aldak Město: Jihlava
Offline 1/10

a co kapalina je ji dost

Citace | Odpovědět

22.12.2019   13:35   #2 Téma: Mäkká brzdová páčka

TheSalon112 TheSalon112 Město: Lefantovce
Offline 16/142

Áno, je jej dostatok

Citace | Odpovědět

28.10.2020   09:15   #3 Téma: Mäkká brzdová páčka

dodoro51 dodoro51 Město: Vídeň
Offline 0/1

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  A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust.
  He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river."
  He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them.

Citace | Odpovědět

05.11.2020   08:20   #4 Téma: Mäkká brzdová páčka

jamie1 jamie1 Město: Tralee
Offline 0/2

hooray! it's snowing! it's time to make a snowman.james runs out. he makes a large pile of snow. he places a huge snowball on top. he adds a headband and a hat. he adds an orange for the nostril. he adds coal for the eyes and buttons.within the night, james opens the door. what does he see? the snowman is transferring! james invitations him in. the snowman has by no means been interior a house. he says hey to the cat. he performs with paper towels.a moment later, the snowman takes james's hand and goes out.they move up, up, up into the air! they may be flying! what a terrific night time!the following morning, james jumps off the bed. he runs to the door.he desires to thank the snowman. however he is long past.
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Citace | Odpovědět

05.11.2020   08:20   #5 Téma: Mäkká brzdová páčka

jamie1 jamie1 Město: Tralee
Offline 0/2

hooray! it's snowing! it's time to make a snowman.james runs out. he makes a large pile of snow. he places a huge snowball on top. he adds a headband and a hat. he adds an orange for the nostril. he adds coal for the eyes and buttons.within the night, james opens the door. what does he see? the snowman is transferring! james invitations him in. the snowman has by no means been interior a house. he says hey to the cat. he performs with paper towels.a moment later, the snowman takes james's hand and goes out.they move up, up, up into the air! they may be flying! what a terrific night time!the following morning, james jumps off the bed. he runs to the door.he desires to thank the snowman. however he is long past.
voip phone system

Citace | Odpovědět

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